we always show final products here, pretty ladies or bearded guys modeling tees or me with some mask on haha, but when it comes down to silkscreening/screen-printing where it all begins is: the cold, technical basic which is the screen.
Well in my book: Getting it or Building it Yourself is a different story, just a different feeling, a special kind of care and level of dedication that you just can not be replaced with a simple transaction. I know what that is like and i know some companies (especially the ones that bigger than us haha..like 98% of them) just order them and it it's all good and nice, but just saying if you build it - you own it.
we got some new label ideas and here are some steps how we did it.
1AEONThis screen will be a hybrid: part new pices of wood and some recycled old screen parts. did i mentioned that i love to work with wood? nothing like it..